...Blitz Door Handle
How it works ?
Blitz is self-powered with lithium batteries and its using smart sensors to detect the usage of the handles. Blitz will indicate with a yellow light that the handle is potentially contaminated and using four sensors will detect if anyone is around or touching the handle.
It will then turn the light red and will clean the handle in one second.
How it works

Clean State
If nobody is around, Blitz is in a sleep mode and the LED light is off. If someone gets close to Blitz, the LED will change color to indicate that it is clean

If someone touches Blitz, the smart touch sensor will detect that the handle has been used and is potentially contaminated

The LED will turn yellow and the speaker will produce a sound for visually impaired users

Blitz is equipped with 4 sensors, motion in front, proximity in front, and proximity between the door and the handle. Blitz is smart and will use the sensors to detect if the cleaning can take place

If the cleaning can take place, the LED light will turn red and the speaker will indicate Blitz is eliminating any virus within a couple of seconds with a laser beam

Once the cleaning is complete, the LED will tun green and the speaker will indicate that the handle is virus free and ready to be used again safely